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Accountability and Supply Chains

The global economy allows powerful actors to profit from the complex structures that organise the supply of labour and goods, often through the violation of fundamental rights of vulnerable populations including the use of slave or bonded labour.
GLAN is committed in finding innovative angles in challenging and addressing such violations, using the structures of the international system against those who abuse them. We aim to create new opportunities for the protection of human rights in these contexts.

The mass killing of civilians by drowning, pushing survivors back to camps they fled from, preventing their disembarkation at safe ports are not only human rights violations; they are crimes for which GLAN will continue to pursue accountability.

Omer Shatz, GLAN Legal Adviser,

Sciences Po and Yale Law School




The Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights (UGF), with the support of the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), has filed a case against the UK government challenging EU trade measures which promote trade in cotton produced with forced labour in Uzbekistan. 

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Survivors of medical mistreatment and torture in RCSI Bahrain - an Irish-accredited training hospital have spoken out. GLAN (with ADHRB and BIRD) -  has sent submissions to the UN Special Rapporteurs on health, torture, and human rights defenders in support.

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